1. Introduction
  2. Who is using?
  3. Bắt đầu
  4. Cài đặt Rust
  5. Rust Playground
  6. Project đầu tiên
  7. Cơ bản
  8. Variables
    1. mut
    2. uninitialized variable
  9. Closure
  10. Cargo
  11. Packages và Crates
    1. Package layout
    2. Crate
    3. use crate
      1. use self, use super
      2. pub use
    4. Preludes
  12. Ownership
  13. Struct
  14. Trait
    1. Khai báo Trait
    2. Implement Trait cho một Type
    3. Default Implementations
    4. Traits as Parameters
    5. Trait Bound
    6. Multiple Trait Bound
    7. where Clauses
    8. Returning Types that Implement Traits
    9. Using Trait Bounds to Conditionally Implement Methods
    10. Blanket implementations
    11. Trait Inheritance
    12. Supertraits
    13. Auto Trait
    14. Copy, Clone
    15. String và &str
    16. FromStr
    17. Display
  15. Enum
    1. match Enum
    2. Mang Variants ra ngoài scope của Enum
    3. impl Enum
    4. Option<T>
      1. unwrap()
      2. expect()
      3. unwrap_or_default()
      4. if let Some(x) = x
    5. Result<T, E>
      1. Result -> Option
      2. Toán tử ?
  16. Generics
    1. Generic Functions
    2. Generic Struct
    3. Generic Enum
    4. Generic Implementation
    5. Generic Trait
    6. Bounds
    7. where
  17. Vec
    1. Iter
    2. Sử dụng Enum để chứa nhiều loại dữ liệu
  18. Code comment
    1. Regular comments
    2. Doc comments
  19. Turbofish ::<>
  20. macros!
    1. Khác nhau giữa Macros và Functions
    2. Standard Macros
    3. println!
    4. format!
    5. todo!
    6. macro_rules!
  21. match
    1. Matching giá trị
    2. Matching Named Variables
    3. Matching Multiple
  22. #[attributes]
  23. Xử lý lỗi
    1. panic
    2. Option
    3. Result
      1. Result map
      2. Result alias
    4. Boxing error
    5. Custom error
  24. Viết Tests
    1. Tổ chức Tests
      1. Unit Tests
      2. Integration Tests
      3. Doc Tests
    2. Xung đột biến môi trường
  25. Viết Docs
    1. Doc comments
    2. Sử dụng README.md làm crate document
  26. Nâng cao
  27. Smart Pointers
    1. Box<T>
    2. Rc<T>, Reference Counted
    3. Cow
    4. Ref
    5. RefMut
  28. Saturating<T>
  29. Design patterns
  30. Behavioural Patterns
    1. Strategy Pattern
    2. Command Pattern
  31. Creational Patterns
    1. Builder Pattern
  32. Structural Patterns
    1. Prefer Small Crates
  33. Crates hay dùng
  34. regex
  35. chrono
  36. async_trait
  37. lazy_static
  38. serde
    1. serde_json
    2. serde_toml
    3. serde_csv
    4. serde_yaml
  39. tokio
  40. actix-web
  41. anyhow
  42. clap
  43. log
    1. env_logger
  44. config
  45. indoc
  46. rayon
  47. polars
  48. Data Engineering
  49. Xử lý và phân tích dữ liệu
    1. Polars
    2. serde
      1. serde_json
      2. serde_toml
      3. serde_csv
      4. serde_yaml
  50. High-performance data pipeline
  51. Building scalable data-driven applications using Rust
  52. Rust as an alternative to Python for data engineering tasks
  53. Rust Idioms
  54. Functional programming
  55. Use borrowed types for arguments
  56. Concatenating strings with format!
  57. Constructor
    1. The Default Trait
  58. Finalisation in destructors
  59. Temporary mutability
  60. Aim For Immutability in Rust